my i-bought-it-2-years-ago-but-never-used-it Nikon D60!!!!
i brought nikki back from my old cupboard at malaysia to show off some of oh-so-brilliant skills ^^
but i will never forget you my dearie sonnia (my old blinged up sony) will always still be in my heart ♥
here are some of nikki's briliant skills~
(i can't help setting the picture size to large as the pictures are so damn high quality!!! XD)
let's start with my room,
(cough cough) a little...erm..untidy i may say
done with my oh-so-humiliating room...==
start with random pictures!!!
"hey! looky here~ valerie does study!!!"
another muahihihihihihihihihi ^o^
madness lovess!!!! [♥♥♥♥♥♥]
guess how much it cost me
50 baht!!!!! = RM5/RM6
and look at the size of it!!!!! it's huge!!!! enough for two starving people.
but still...
i finished the whole plate by myself...
see the difference between photos taken by sonnia and nikki?
sonnia is great no doubt
but nikki is so much better (DLSR mahhhh)
the bad thing about nikki is...
it's just too dammit bulky!!!
i rather bring sonnia along when i'm climbing a mountain or something (which i would never)
but sonnia could never compare to nikki's high resolution and take those oh-so-artistic photos..
guess this is where is phrase Pros and Cons comes in
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